CitySuites Blog
Looking for places to stay in Manchester this 2025? Check out everything happening in Manchester in our local blog.
CitySuites Blog
Looking for places to stay in Manchester this 2025? Check out everything happening in Manchester in our local blog.
If you're planning to travel to us by car, we've gathered the following information to help you navigate to our car park - Q-Park Deansgate North - in the quickest and easiest way possible.
Q-Park Deansgate North is located just next door to CitySuites in the centre of Manchester. It is very simple to access but there is a new one-way system in place which your satnav may not recognise.
When passing our apartments at CitySuites (on your left) on Chapel Street, heading towards Q-Park Deansgate North, you will not be able to drive ahead as the road becomes a Bus Lane and is for use of buses only.
Instead, traffic flows in the opposite direction, meaning you will need to follow the one-way system round (following the map below) to get to Q-Park Deansgate North. You will be unable to turn right from Victoria Bridge Street onto Chapel Street.
If driving in from the ring road, this route will take you past the AO Arena on your left.
If you're driving in from Salford, you will cross over the river, turn right at the AO Arena, then you'll drive back over the river near Manchester Cathedral.
As you can see on the map above, the outlined route following the one way system is the quickest, easiest way to get to the Q carpark nearest to CitySuites.
For further directions, please view the video below.
We hope this information has been useful in helping you to navigate to CitySuites. If you're struggling to find your way, just give us a call on 0161 302 0202 and a member of our team will be more than happy to help.
You can learn more about our parking arrangements within our terms and conditions page