CitySuites Blog

Looking for places to stay in Manchester this 2025? Check out everything happening in Manchester in our local blog.


Networking Opportunities In Manchester (2024)


The importance of networking has long been established. The value of connections within any industry improves your social status in a business you work in and helps you develop the skills you need to succeed. 


Networking is a fundamental part of business growth, and Manchester is an ideal location to expand your connections. 

This year in 2023, there have been lots of fantastic networking events for various industries. Marketing, hospitality and technology are just some industries that have (and will continue to) hold events for connecting and establishing professional relationships. 

Networking Events and Conferences In Manchester

Below are some of the highlighted meetings for professionals happening in the city in 2024.

NOTE: This page has yet to be updated regarding all networking events available in 2024. Please be patient while we create all items specific to this post.


Virtual Coffee Break for Freelancers and Business Owners 

Price: Donation-based (minimum of £1) 

For business owners, entrepreneurs and freelancers, an online event hosted by Business Breaktime will take place before May ends in 2024. 

Virtual Coffee Break is the perfect opportunity to connect, socialise and - of course -have fun with other fellow professionals. With an agenda full of interesting items to cover (including an online, live performance!), there's sure to be something to takeaway for all attendees. 



Strategic Networking 

Price: Free

Strategic Networking is hosted by Elevate as part of the Elevate training collection, and will be run by a panel of experts, as well as Ilona Alcock, co-founder of Elevate itself.

The event will cover top tips on how to effectively network - covering the right events, preparation, conversational prompts and maintaining connections online. 





Manchester Business Networking 

One of the top networking events that will take place in Manchester, Manchester Business Networking by BNI Tigers is a successfully organised event for all ambitious business individuals. 

Check out their event below.





Manchester's Summer BBQ 

TheBusinessDesk has highlighted an upcoming event for those who want to network, while also enjoying the summertime. The host is inviting all professionals for an afternoon of talks, connections, and of course, a BBQ lunch. 




The Investa Club

Take this chance to grow your network, gain insights, while starting off with a light breakfast with decision-makers in MediaCity and Manchester! 

The Investa Club is an exhilarating experience for those looking to network in the North West. 



Filmmakers Networking Events

A more niche, but equally important networking event taking place in Manchester, is the Filmmakers Networking Event. Filmmakers, freelancers and everyone in between will get the chance to speak to local creatives to discuss projects, connect online or just have a chat. 

This "speed-dating" style is a great chance for you to speak to like-minded individuals if you're in the film industry, or simply someone who wants to make their way in.

Co-working Day: Clockwise Manchester

An ideal event for those working-from-home, the Co-working Day hosted by Clockwise Manchester is a day for productivity and connection. This in-person event is the ideal day for getting out of the house, connecting with other business owners, and getting what you need to get done, done. 

More Free Business Networking In The City

If you're struggling with a budget, there are plenty of networking events available for free happening this year. 


Universally Manchester Alumni Reception

Manchester Museum is hosting an exclusive alumni event as part of the Universally Manchester festival which celebrates the mark of University of Manchester's 200th year. 

The evening will see guests enjoy a variety of food, drinks, and networking opportunities. 

People, Planet, Pint: Sustainability Meetup

The People, Planet, Pint meetup is a local meetup for discussing sustainability, life, and how to preserve with longevity. It's a place where everyone is welcome to learn, network, and share ideas about sustainability and the planet. 

Networking Tips and Best Practices

Whether it's 2024, 2025, or even in the later years of this decade or century, the importance of networking will always be a fundamental step towards career progression. To ensure you maximise your time, here are some of our best tips regarding how to network.

Communicate your value - listen to other's value

Being able to market yourself is a fantastic skill for a variety of reasons. When you're looking for a job, presenting your product or simply establishing a connection, communicating your value to people you want to meet is especially important. 

It's an equally important skill to listen to others, too. 

When you're at a networking event, be prepared to listen to other people and what they have to offer. Not only is it respectful you'll also likely learn more about the field you're going into (or other industries depending on the capacity of the event). 

Follow up on any connections 

If you remember any names, acquired any business cards or attended any small presentations, make sure to follow up on them. 

If you've made an incredible impression with any connections you've met at a networking event, it's only right to keep in touch - it allows you to be a part of their business circle. Meaning that if an opportunity comes up, you're a potential connection to contact.

Run a conversation well 

The point of networking is to make meaningful connections as opposed to a large number of connections. 

Meeting lots of people is good, but it's pointless if those connections aren't fully established. 

One way of creating great connections is running a conversation effectively. This means asking questions, being present, and exiting the conversation professionally.

Leverage your digital presence 

If you have LinkedIn, Twitter, any blogs or other social media platforms dedicated to your business presence, market your digital profiles to others. 

It's no surprise that nearly everyone has at least one online medium to represent their personal brand. Maintaining your profile on these sites will keep your connections up to date with what you are doing, and is a great way to ensure your connections know your skillset.

Remember to be kind, respectful and professional

Impressions matter, and being respectful of everyone's time (while demonstrating your own value) will ensure that you'll be remembered after the event. 

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