
Discount codes and deals at CitySuites

Lots of savvy bookers go looking for CitySuites discount codes before making a booking, so let us explain exactly how to get the best deals, bag those discounts and make sure you’re getting your luxury stay without paying over the odds.

We don’t use voucher code websites

We don’t presently work with any of the major voucher code websites and we don’t have voucher codes running constantly. 

Sign up to our newsletter for discounts

When we do run discount codes, deals or launch new promotions, it’s our newsletter where we announce it first.

What’s more is that when you sign up for our newsletter, you’ll be sent a 10% discount too. So it’s an excellent way to make sure you’re getting a great deal.

Join our newsletter today and stay in the loop!

Our dedicated offers Page

We list our currently running promotions and offers here.

The best rates by booking direct

You’ll also find the best rates by booking directly with us rather than through intermediaries. And if you’ve seen a better rate somewhere else than on our website, get in touch because we’ll match it. We endeavour to make sure the best rates are always direct.

Extended stays and corporate rates

If you’re planning to stay with us for work, stay for an extended period of time or stay regularly, then you may be eligible for our corporate rates. Get in touch to find out more.